Welcome to Waterpit Health Foundation

Empowering health for the transformation of Nigeria through collaboration and healthcare innovation.

Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@nextfnlevel?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Lawrence Crayton</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/cf1cN3ofKUM?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>


Community health improvement within Nigeria

Program Development

We are committed to designing and implementing innovative and tailored health programs that address the unique needs of diverse communities across Nigeria. By focusing on prevention, education, and intervention, we strive to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities at the grassroots level. Focus will be on chronic diseases including but not limited to Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Failure, Kidney disease, Sickle cell, Developmental Delay, Autism Spectrum Disorder etc.

Healthcare Worker Capacity Building

We recognize the pivotal role of healthcare workers in delivering effective care. Our objective is to enhance the skills and knowledge of local healthcare professionals through comprehensive training programs, workshops, and continuous education. By equipping healthcare workers with the tools they need, we strengthen the healthcare system from within.

Local and International Partnerships

Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We aim to forge strong partnerships with local organizations, government agencies, and community leaders. By working together, we can leverage collective expertise and resources to amplify our impact, ensure sustainability, and foster community ownership of health initiatives.

Research and Innovation

As part of our commitment to progress, we seek to develop and implement healthcare innovations that have the long-term potential to reduce health care burden/utilization and cost, and to transform healthcare delivery. We are committed to research, technology, and interventions that can revolutionize medical practices and positively influence public health outcomes across Nigeria.


Join us in our journey to transform lives and empower a brighter, healthier future for Nigeria.

Equity and Inclusion

We are dedicated to ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstance, has access to the highest standard of healthcare services and resources.


Our approach emphasizes empowering communities to take ownership of their health through education, awareness, and active participation in health initiatives.


We believe in creating lasting change. Our programs and interventions are designed with long-term sustainability in mind, enabling communities to thrive independently.


We embrace innovation to address complex health challenges. By nurturing and supporting creative solutions, we strive to stay at the forefront of healthcare advancements.

Lolia Professional photo

Our Founder

Dr. Lolia Miebaka Abibo is the Founder and Chairperson of Waterpit Health Foundation. Her father is a Hydrogeologist and the Chief Executive Officer of Waterpit Nigeria Ltd. Her mother is a retired University Administrator and board member at Waterpit Nigeria Ltd.

Dr. Abibo is a Nigerian citizen, born and raised in Nigeria and sponsored by her parents to travel North America for tertiary education. Currently, she lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and serves as a Medical Doctor, and Assistant Professor for the Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She was inspired to work in community development by her parents, and with her skill set in the health sector has joined forces to solve healthcare problems in Nigeria.

Dr. Abibo has actively involved in community health development since 2009 and global health program development and research since 2019. As an advocate for community health development within local Nigerian communities, she has competed for and received grants fully executed in Nigeria under her leadership. One was funded by Rivers State Heritage Foundation (RSHF) of Michigan in 2019, and another by the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) in 2022. In Nigeria, she partnered with the University of Port-Harcourt and University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital to develop and implement diabetes self-management education for type-2 diabetes patients in Southern Nigeria, as well as diabetes educator training to registered nurses and dietitians in Southern Nigeria.

Till date, Dr. Abibo’s efforts have successfully trained six registered nurses and four dietitians in Rivers State. Her program has also provided diabetes self-management education and support to about 120 individuals in Southern Nigeria. She has a unique passion for chronic disease management, self-management, and support for Nigerian communities, including local work-force capacity building. In addition to her experience, her background in biomedical sciences, human health and nutrition, and medicine, as well as her cultural understanding posits her uniquely to lead this local Nigerian Organization.

Board of Directors

Dr. Lolia Abibo

Founder and Chairperson of Waterpit Health Foundation, Internist and Pediatrician, Assistant Professor of Medicine.

Rt. Hon. Promise Abibo

CEO, Waterpit Nigeria Ltd.

Mrs. Elizabeth Abibo

Member Board of Directors, Waterpit Nigeria Ltd.

Organizational Appointees

Dr. Francis Edeani


Gastroenterologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine

Ms. Esther Atemo


Charity/Non-Profit Organization Affairs Expert, Gerontology Specialist

Ms. Gloria Subai


Mrs. Bapakaye Kemmer



Waterpit Nigeria Ltd.